24th December 2017
World Para Athletics T44 Long Jump champion Stef Reid is next up to tell us how she will be spending Christmas 2017…
What is the best Christmas present you ever received?
All things food related.
A childhood memory of Christmas
I love the memories of me at the piano playing Christmas carols, surrounded by family belting out the lyrics. Both the piano and our voices out of tune and off key, but our passion unmatched!
Who will you spend Christmas 2017 with?
The actual day I will spend at home near Loughborough with my husband, Brent. But there are lots of fun parties and get-togethers with friends and family in the lead up which I am looking forward to.
What will the day be like?
One of the perks of being married with no kids is that you can do anything you want! Including sleeping in!
Your cooking is legendary – what specials are you planning this Christmas?
Last year, I made my first ever beef wellington – it was the best thing I have ever made. But it is really stressful cooking with a ridiculously expensive piece of beef fillet. I am not sure I can go through that again.
Will you train on Christmas Day?
I won’t train on Christmas Day, but I will definitely do something active. Not because I have to, I just like feeling my muscles working.
How do you balance family Christmas with not over-eating?
Part of the fun of Christmas is the food! My weekly diet leaves room for indulgence, so I try not to stress too much about a few extra puddings over Christmas. The important thing is to recognise it is a special week and to not let the holiday habits (like chocolate appearing at breakfast, lunch, AND dinner) spill over when you get back to work. If all else fails, just walk around with a glass of wine in both hands. It is hard to over-eat when your hands are occupied.
What does Christmas mean to you?
Christmas is a time to step back, to connect with family and friends, to focus on the bigger picture, and think about the things of eternal significance.